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The Rajasthan University Library is located near the main gate of the University. It has a seating capacity of about 500 students. It has more than 5.08 lakh books, 2.40 lakh e-books, and bound periodicals etc. The Library subscribes to about 62 current journals and popular magazines relating to various subjects. In addition, about 3000 E-Journals are available for online access through e-Shodhsindhu. In order to serve the users, the library collection has been well organized. The books have been grouped in different sequences, such as general books, text books, reference books, theses, and reports, set collection, etc.


The library has a rich collection of old documents including the collection of British resident at Mount Abu, which is popularly known as 'The Abu collection'. This includes Government reports, gazetteers and other publications dating back to early 19th Century. These are of research value for Historians, Economists and Sociologists. Abu collection is now available in the National Digital Library in digitized format.


The library also has the collection of Microfilms and Micro-fiche. Collection includes Census of India publications, Gazetteers of India, Memoirs and annual reports of Archaeological Survey of India, Legislative proceedings/debates (period 1854-1957), Proceedings of other legislative bodies, various periodicals, newspapers etc.


The library remains open on all days of the year except on the following Holidays:

Republic Day 26th January
Independence Day 15th August
Gowardhan Puja (Next Day of Deepawali)
Under special circumstances, it may, however, be closed on any other day or part of the day.

Administrative/Library Staff:

S. No. Name Designation Mail ID
1. Prof. Jayant Singh Director directorlibrary@uniraj.ac.in
2. Mrs. Nandini Khattar Dy. Librarian nkhattar3@gmail.com
3. Dr. Anubhav Shah Asst. Librarian anubhav.shah.lucknow@gmail.com
4. Ms. Ritu Sharma Asst. Librarian ritusharma@uniraj.ac.in
5. Mrs. Ritika Garg Asst. Librarian ritikagarg453@gmail.com
6. Mr. Mukesh Kumar Kandaila Asst. Librarian alibrarian@uniraj.ac.in